Wednesday, December 7

L.A Noire playthroughs

 Due to many things, the L.A Noire playthroughs are not going any further than episode one. Rather, expect first plays, reviews, gameplays and playthroughs of other games!

I started a new playthrough series, this time of L.A Noire.
  I'll record the new episodes as soon as I find out how to make them fullscreen.

Thursday, December 1


 I have a test tommorrow. It's almost time to sleep. And I haven't studied a little bit yet. Well, thanks brain!

 My head is full of thoughts right now. If I don't pass this test, I'm not going to pass future tests that will be harder. If i don't pass future tests, I'm not going to college. If I'm not going to college, I'm not going to get a job, and - Stop it! Stop fantasising about my future, brain!

 I don't know why we got to learn the useless stuff we learn at school. I mean, how the heck can that be useful for my future? What was their idea when they decided what to teach students? Why can't we just choose what we want to learn, based on what we want to do in the future?
 I'm sure that's something that is going to change, and that I'm going to be jealous of my grandchilden because they will have a better school life than I had. But there's nothing we can do. At least, the hardness of the current courses helps distinguish the good students from the students that, erm, don't give a f**k. So what? we need people to clean the streets and collect the garbage, don't we?

 Don't take me badly, but we have a hard future ahead of us. There's a huge crisis coming and only the strongest will "survive". Keep strong, study, and never give up.

 - Zombie Notch

Monday, November 28

Music n' Stuff

 Hello guys! How are you?

 I doubt there's anyone who reads this. But it's some kind of forever-aloney habit.
Forever alone people always keep things for themselves. Maybe even when they don't want to.
Now to the serious business:

 I always was that kind of media-listener person. I forced my mind to love every music that was highly announced, on the TV, internet, or anywhere else.
 But as I advanced in age (and hopefully, in mind too) I realised I don't have to listen to what the media tells you is good. I don't take that as being a hipster. Hipsters are posers, they just like what other people don't to be different.
  I started listening to music I really loved. And as I advanced into my liking, I went back in time. Almost every song I like was made in the 80's, sometimes 90's or sooner. Does that mean good music is not made nowadays?

 The answer is no, there is still good music. It's really rare, but it does. It also really depends on people's tastes. But if you want my advise, don't go for what other people like, or what's "in". Just listen to what you like, what makes you feel butterflies inside your stomach when that awesome chorus comes on.

  This is one example of the few modern songs I enjoy listening to:

- Zombie Notch

Sunday, November 27

I love this song!

Oh crap, this song is mindblowing!

  Edit: The video was taken down due to copyright issues. Anyway, feel free to search on youtube for the song's title: DeadMau5 - Professional Griefers.

 It's the song that played on the ending of the #minecon stream by IGN!

 Also, I wanted to ask you guys what kind of content you want to see here! Post your suggestions in the comments!

     Your dear Zombie

Saturday, November 19

Minecraft 1.0

 Minecraft 1.0 is finally out!

The game was released yesterday, and it could be seen on ign's website.

If you missed it, check it out here:

Enjoy! =D

Sunday, November 6

My first video!

 Finally, I recorded a video! It's me and darkiboy playing on an adventure map. Check it out:

Friday, November 4

Learning Java!

 I took a serious decision: I'm going to learn java by myself!

 I found some good tutorials over the internet and I'm going to use them to try and learn java. I hope I take it serously, this time. I hope some time in the near future you'll see me programming some great stuff on great live streams!

Friday, October 28

Countdown for Rocksmith

Coming December 13! Can't wait for it!

Wednesday, October 26

Sunday, October 23

The Game I've Been Playing

 With all this time without any minecraft update, I got bored of it, and started searching for some other game to play until 1.9 comes out. And well... how can I say this... Let's just say my weekends are screwed. Want to know what I'm talking about? It's:

  What I Like:

  • Excellent quests
  • Great playerbase, lots of people online all the time
  • Many items (It feels so good to find a rare sword!)
  • Big Open World with lots of places to explore
  • Everything Else!
What I don't like:

  •  Many quests that you can't do on your own
  • Mounts can only be bought with real money (or very hardly in events)

 I suggest everyone this game. It's really cool and addicting. For the curious out there, here goes a screenshot of my character (Blacknight, an Warrior level 14):

Saturday, October 22


    Hello people of the world!

 It's with great pleasure that I announce that I'm opening a personal blog. Yes, I have another blog (Zombie Minecraft) but that one is only about minecraft news, and other stuff. This one will be more fun, because it's not  only about news about minecraft, it's about fun stuff, videos, and all that!

 Welcome to my blog, dear reader. I hope you have a great time!

       Rape that follow button!